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Friday, 30 December 2011

Applications Market

For each phone database, there is always an application market for the phone.For Nokia phones, they have the Nokia Ovi Store. For Android phones, they haveAndroid Market.

There are two ways to access Android Market and Nokia Ovi Store : via Internet or via mobile
This is the Internet way to access Android Market and Nokia Ovi Store.
Android Market and Nokia Ovi Store are already built-in some of Android's and Nokia's phones. 

Some apps are free and some you have to pay.But I prefer very much to download the free version of an app.
For Android Market,to download an app, you will have to put in your Gmail Account username and password for  to download the app.Without that, you cannot download the app.And also, you will have to install a Gmail app into your Android and see your Gmail.And connect your Gmail Account from your phone as in logging in to your Gmail Account.

For Nokia Ovi Store, you can whether just download the apps from the built-in software in you Nokia phone.Or download the Nokia Ovi Store to your computer from Nokia to upgrade your phone software or to install any apps from Nokia.


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

If you've ever seen an "http" and an "https" in the Uniform Resource Locator(URL) address of a website, you might have wondered what is stands for.Let's look at this bit by bit : 

HTTP   : "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol",the primary technology protocol on the Web that allows linking     and browsing.

HTTPS : "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol" with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL),another protocol primarily developed with secure,safe Internet transactions in mind.

When a user connects to a website via HTTPS, the website encrypts the session with a digital certificate. A user can tell if they are connected to a secure website if the website URL begins with https:// instead of http://.                                                                                                           

Monday, 26 December 2011


If u people have ever heard about HTML, PHP, CSS, then U must have been thinking "What is that" or "I've never heard of it"...If u wanna know more about it just log on to Tizag.Com

HTMLPHPCSS, are Internet Language (known as Internet Scripting)

These scriptings are very easy to learn but very hard to REMEMBER.

Of course practice makes perfect.
There is one more which is called Javascript. I have not mastered this scripting yet,but still learning.
The other three is more commonly used for developing web pages and websites.

These scripting tutorials are available at Tizag.Com 

HTML  =  Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS    =   Cascading Style Sheets
PHP    =   Hypertext Preprocessor

To learn this tutorials and many more information about these, please do log on to Tizag.Com

Im Back!!

I just came back from Singapore yesterday.It was fun. I will be uploading my pictures here, so that u guyz can view it.And u can have a better knowledge about Singapore....I will be uploading those pictures shortly.And also I will continue my chapters with u guyz.
For more information on Singapore, Log on to

And also more info about the Government of Singapore

Ughein Selva

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Traveling To Singapore

I would love to keep you guyz updated.But unfortunately I can't.Because I'm on my way to board a flight to Singapore at 11.45a.m.I'm travelling to Kuala Lumpur now.I will report everything about my experience when I come back.My return flight will be on Christmas Day(25th December) 12.45p.m

Till then,
Enjoy your day   

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Develop Your Assertiveness 5

How assertive are you?

I'm making  a rather obvious assumption that you are reading this book either because you feel you would gain from modifying you behaviour in same way, or that you want to improve your interpersonal skills through assertiveness training.It follows, therefore, that at present there are areas in your life where you are not as assertive as you would like to be.

We have established that assertiveness is a choice of behaviour and that there are occasions when it is appropriate not to assert yourself. We have examined basic rights, and from this you will have deduced areas for self-development.In order to devise your own personal programme for self-improvement, you also need to consider areas of your life where, at present, you find it difficult to assert yourself.

For example, it may be that you always react badly to criticism - getting defensive or aggressive or counter-attacking.It could be that you always feel upset or hurt by criticism and spend endless hours fretting over comments made by others.


Monday, 19 December 2011

Develop Your Assertiveness 4

Follow this chapter!

Chapter 4 : Rights and Wrongs

This last point brings us neatly to another important element in assertiveness training : recognise your, and the other person's basic rights.Most books on assertiveness training will list personal rights, with some variations according to author interpretation. These rights are neither written in tablets of stone nor enforceable by law, but are a common - sense set of rules to aid self-development and enhance interpersonal relationships.

The important point to remember is that for every right you have, the other person has similar rights. For example,you have the right to ask for what you want.The other person has an equal right to refuse you request
or indeed to request something of you. IF you ignore your own rights, you are being non-assertive and passive.An assertive system of 'rights' has to incorporate mutual respect for each other's needs, opinion's and feelings.


Develop Your Assertiveness 3

Just keep on reading!

Chapter 3 = Positive Thinking

Assertiveness training has been around for a good many years now and has had a chequered press, some seeing it as training in how to get your own way - which it isn't; or how to become as aggressive as the next person - which it also isn't.

Assertiveness training can be of immense benefit as a means of self-development.People with good assertiveness skills will also have enhanced self-awareness,greater confidence and self-esteem, and honest, powerful and effective communication skills.They will have respect for themselves and for others. Central to all this is positive thinking. Assertive people have a positive self-image;they will use positive language;they will look for positive outcomes to interactions; they will work with the other person to provide positive solutions to problems by which both sides 'win'; they will be positive in their respect for the other person's views and opinion's, whether or not they share these vievs.

Sunday, 18 December 2011


This are a few pictures which I snapped while Skyping with my Friends.NIce!

Develop Your Assertiveness 2

Welcome back!

Chapter 2: Prepare to assert yourself

In the same way that it is impossible to become assertive by just by reading a book on the subject - you have to practise assertion skills - it is also impossible to appear assertive with the tensed muscles and pounding heart associated with stress.Your body language will give you a way.Whatever words you chose to say, however 'assertive' they might be, if delivered with the wrong tone of voice,too much or too little volume, or accompanied by inappropriate facial expression and posture, your assertiveness will be ineffective. You will be perceived as apprehensive, emotional, hostile or aggressive by the other person.

Let's face it, while most of us would like to be assertive most of the time, the occasions where this proves more difficult are those where it is really important to display assertiveness skills. These are also occasions when we are likely to feel  the most tense. Imagine the following scenarios.

  • You are summoned to the boss's office and can tell by the look of his face that it's not to talk about ur next pay rise or promotion!
  • It's down to you to tell a member of the staff about a personal hygiene problem.
  • Although you've explained the cause for the delay, your client continues to behave in a quarrelsome and aggressive manner.
  • You decide now is the time to confront your partner with an issue which you know there will be some disagreement.
  • Your parent or an elderly relative expects to spend Christmas with you. You and your partner want a quiet Christmas together. You have just called at her house to tell this relative that you can't have her to stay. 


You may have not been in any of these precise situations, but you can imagine - even begin to experience - some of the symptoms of anxiety you are likely to display: the dry mouth, the sweating palms, the tightening of the facial muscles, the thumping heart, the churning tummy and, not least, feelings of self-doubt about the outcome of the ensuing interaction.
Even attending an assertiveness training course will be a source of stress for most of us.'Performing' in a role-play for the first time can be traumatic, however much we might agree with the principle that it is the best way
to practise new skills. 


Today is Jokes on Lawyers

Q : Why do lawyers make excellent lovers?

A : They have considerable practice from screwing clients

Lawyers are like beavers: They get in the mainstream and dam it up.

Develop Your Assertiveness 1

Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my website. Im here to tell u whatever that pops up in my mind, I will post it in here. And today im going to tell u about Developing Your Assertiveness 1.

Do u struggle to communicate with others?

Im here to tell u how to Develop Your Assertiveness.

Chapter 1 : To be, or not to be?


When u first entered this world, and until you were about six months old, u knew and demonstrated two forms of behaviour : Passive, Dependant Behaviour and Aggressive, Demanding Behaviour. As you grow older, one of the first words u will have learned and uttered is 'No'. This is a way of saying, 'I can now begin to rationalise, to make my own decisions.' It is a way of saying, 'I can now beginning to establish independence as a unique individual.

For toddlers, being passive sometimes, aggressive at others, freely expressing feelings, and saying 'No' without guilt or malice, is spontaneous and natural. Were u reprimanded for saying 'No' as a small child? Were you told it was not polite....might hurt others' feelings...make u unpopular? Might this have a bearing on why you might find it difficult to utter the 'No' word today?

In our early development we were conditioned by people and events, and soon adapted to please parents or other adults responsible for our social training. We were told what was good and what was bad; what to do and what not to do. It is often in a child's best interests to please or submit - good behaviour is rewarded with smiles and favours. Sometimes bad behaviour gets its rewards as well - thinks..... 'If I can't get  her attention any other way,I'll scream, yell and throw things; any attention - even a telling off - is better than being ignored'.You can see how the passive/aggressive pattern builds and how as adults slide into adapted behaviour to achieve our own ends , to keep the peace or to meet the needs of others - often to the detriment of our own well-being.